The Science of Unbreakable Things meets Silver Meadows Summer in Star Light Wishes, a vibrant, poignant middle grade debut about the coming-of-age moment when kids realize our most powerful action is asking for help.
There it is. The pitch for the novel that I've been writing for a decade. The pitch that I couldn't have written until two months ago because I didn't realize that's what the novel was about. The pitch that I didn't want to be true. Because let's face it. If our most powerful action is asking for help, that means it's something I need to do, too. So what do I need help with? Too much to write about in one blog post, that's for sure. But I'll give it the good 'ole top ten treatment. Here goes: 10. I need help being vulnerable. 9. I need help admitting I erred. 8. I need help accepting my skin is losing collagen faster than milk spills from a toppled glass. 7. I need help accepting that if I workout with anything heavier than three pound weights, I hurt myself. 6. I need help celebrating others. 5. I need help celebrating myself. 4. I need help learning how to do nothing. 3. I need help learning how to have fun. 2. I need help forgiving myself. 1. I need help asking for help.
3/14/2023 03:04:33 pm
Hi Andrea,
3/14/2023 06:27:37 am
So true, this need to be vulnerable enough to reach out for help from someone else, and how powerful, too, to be in the position of helping someone else. Sounds like a good book, and the pitch worked for me.
3/14/2023 03:07:01 pm
Hi Kevin,
3/14/2023 07:08:59 am
There's a yielding in asking for help, but a power as well. A recognition that you don't have all the answers (or the control), but that there are others who can help you along your journey. Great pitch morphs into a great post!
3/14/2023 03:08:10 pm
Hi Molly,
steph meier
3/14/2023 12:07:53 pm
I love this- so much. It was honest and vulnerable- look at you making progress on number 10 already!
3/14/2023 03:11:11 pm
Hi Steph,
3/14/2023 12:40:08 pm
Your post begs the question: Why are we so hesitant to ask for help? I recently finished reading "White Women," and one thing the book talks about is the problem w/ perfectionism. When we ask for help, we acknowledge our imperfections. Like you, I am not good at asking for help. I can think of times asking resulted in harsh criticism. I like this top 10 list, too.
3/14/2023 03:17:55 pm
Hi Glenda,
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Slice of Life ChallengeMy 2023 one little word goal is PLAY. So, one of the ways I'm playing is by joining in the Two Writing Teachers' Slice of Life Story Challenge. My first post will be March 1st. Happy reading! ArchivesCategories |